Personal News!

Dear friends,

Updating you on my whereabouts on this blog was long overdue! But it’s better later than never.

As many of you were aware, after serving as the lead pastor for 12 years at Mount Pleasant Road Baptist Church in Toronto Canada, I have accepted a call to transition to Quebec in the city of Magog, Canada. We have been here since September 2020.

It was a blessing for us to serve the Lord with the amazing people at Mount Pleasant Road Baptist Church and to see how much they have invested in me as a young man freshly from Africa. 15 years later, and almost 13 years as pastor they made me  by God’s  Grace who I am. We are forever grateful to the loving brothers and sisters of Mount Pleasant Road Baptist Church, many of whom are now in glory.

Pray that God would provide a shepherd to continue the work at Mount Pleasant Road Baptist Church.

Pray for us, for our transition in a new province and environment. Quebec needs the gospel. Above all pray that the Lord would open the doors of hearts and homes for the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Happy New Year!

As we start a new year and a new decade I pray that the Lord will go before us and make our path straight, that he will not leave us in times of storms and troubles. May his grace be with us all and grant us peace in time of need. His promises never fail.

In the preface to New Morning Mercies: A Daily Gospel Devotional, author Paul David Tripp says:

One of the stunning realities of the Christian life is that in a world where everything is in some state of decay, God’s mercies never grow old. They never run out. They are never ill-timed. They never dry up. They never grow weak. They never get weary. They never fail to meet the need. They never disappoint. They never, ever fail, because they really are new every morning.

God’s hand is not short nor weak. His presence is powerful enough to protect and shield us from the evil and also to give us the courage and resolve to do the great things to the the glory of our God.

Exodus 33:14  “And He said, “My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.”

Have a blessed New Year.

Dissecting What People Mean When They Talk About Taking the Bible Literally

Between the Perfect and the Doomed

Maybe We Should Stop Using the Word Literal

I imagine that most of us have heard people say at one point another that the Bible either should or should not be taken literally.  For many people on the more evangelical side of Christianity, it is almost a mantra to say that the Bible needs to be understood literally and that when people don’t take the Bible literally they are not being faithful to scripture. For people on the more “progressive” side of Christianity, it’s almost a mantra to say something like, “We take the Bible seriously but we take it too seriously to always take it literally.” And if we haven’t heard people talk about literal interpretation in either of these two contexts, we have probably heard people talk about it when election season comes around in the United States.  It is common for reporters to ask politicians whether or not they take the Bible literally and it is common for political…

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